A home without a dog is
like a garden without flowers
Favorite Dog Writings  Favorite Dog Writers dog sayings canine quotes
Grow Old With Dogs

When I am old...
I will wear soft gray sweatshirts...
and a bandana over my silver hair.....
and I will spend my social security checks on wine and my dogs.

I will sit in my house on my well-worn chair
and listen to my dogs' breathing.
I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night
and take my dogs for a run, if my old bones will allow...

When people come to call, I will smile
and nod as I show them my dogs...
and talk of them and about them...
...the ones so beloved of the past
and the ones so beloved of today....
I will still work hard cleaning after them,
mopping and feeding them and 
whispering their names in a soft loving way.

I will wear the gleaming sweat on my throat,
like a jewel and I will be an embarrassment to all...
especially my family...
who have not yet found the peace in being free
to have dogs as your best friends....
These friends who always wait, at any hour, for your footfall...
and eagerly jump to their feet out of a sound sleep,
to greet you as if you are a God.

With warm eyes full of adoring love and hope
that you will always stay,
I'll hug their big strong necks...
I'll kiss their dear sweet heads...
and whisper in their very special company....

I look in the Mirror...and see I am getting old....
this is the kind of person I am...and have always been.
Loving dogs is easy,
they are part of me.

Please accept me for who I am.
My dogs appreciate my presence in their lives...
they love my presence in their lives......
When I am old this will be important to me...
you will understand when you are old....
if you have dogs to love too.

~Author Unknown 

The Journey

By Crystal Ward Kent
Copyright 1998, All Rights Reserved

When you bring a pet into your life, you begin a journey — a journey that will bring you more love and devotion than you have ever known, yet also test your strength and courage.

If you allow, the journey will teach you many things, about life, about yourself, and most of all, about love. You will come away changed forever, for one soul cannot touch another without leaving its mark.

Along the way, you will learn much about savoring life’s simple pleasures — jumping in leaves, snoozing in the sun, the joy of puddles, and even the satisfaction of a good scratch behind the ears.

If you spend much time outside, you will be taught how to truly experience every element, for no rock, leaf or log will go unexamined, no rustling bush will be overlooked, and even the very air will be inhaled, pondered, and noted as being full of valuable information. Your pace may be slower — except when heading home to the food dish — but you will become a better naturalist, having been taught by an expert in the field.

Too many times we hike on automatic pilot, our goal being to complete the trail rather than enjoy the journey. We miss the details — the colorful mushrooms on the rotting log, the honeycomb in the old maple snag, the hawk feather caught on a twig. Once we walk as a dog does, we discover a whole new world. We stop; we browse the landscape; we kick over leaves, peek in tree holes, look up, down, all around. And we learn what any dog knows: that nature has created a marvelously complex world that is full of surprises, that each cycle of the seasons brings ever-changing wonders, each day an essence all its own.

Even from indoors you will find yourself more attuned to the world around you. You will find yourself watching summer insects collecting on a screen (How bizarre they are! How many kinds there are!), or noting the flicker and flash of fireflies through the dark. You will stop to observe the swirling dance of windblown leaves, or sniff the air after a rain. It does not matter that there is no objective in this; the point is in the doing, in not letting life’s most important details slip by.

You will find yourself doing silly things that your pet-less friends might not understand: spending thirty minutes in the grocery aisle looking for the cat food brand your feline must have, buying dog birthday treats, or driving around the block an extra time because your pet enjoys the ride. You will roll in the snow, wrestle with chewie toys, bounce little rubber balls till your eyes cross, and even run around the house trailing your bathrobe tie — with a cat in hot pursuit — all in the name of love.

Your house will become muddier and hairier. You will wear less dark clothing and buy more lint rollers. You may find dog biscuits in your pocket or purse, and feel the need to explain that an old plastic shopping bag adorns your living room rug because your cat loves the crinkly sound.

You will learn the true measure of love — the steadfast, undying kind that says, “It doesn’t matter where we are or what we do, or how life treats us as long as we are together.” Respect this always. It is the most precious gift any living soul can give another. You will not find it often among the human race.

And you will learn humility. The look in my dog’s eyes often made me feel ashamed. Such joy and love at my presence. She saw not some flawed human who could be cross and stubborn, moody or rude, but only her wonderful companion. Or maybe she saw those things and dismissed them as mere human foibles, not worth considering, and so chose to love me anyway.

If you pay attention and learn well, when the journey is done, you will not be just a better person, but the person your pet always knew you to be — the one they were proud to call beloved friend.

I must caution you that this journey is not without pain. Like all paths of true love, the pain is part of loving. For as surely as the sun sets, one day your dear animal companion will follow a path you cannot yet go down. And you will have to find the strength and love to let them go. A pet’s time on earth is far too short — especially for those that love them. We borrow them, really, just for awhile, and during those brief years they are generous enough to give us all of their love — every inch of their spirit and heart, until one day there is nothing left.

The cat that only yesterday was a kitten is all too soon old and frail and sleeping in the sun. The young pup of boundless energy wakes up stiff and lame, the muzzle now gray. Deep down we somehow always knew this journey would end. We knew that if we gave our hearts they would be broken. But give them we must for it is all they ask in return. When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead — young and whole once more.

“Godspeed, good friend,” we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again.


I will never know the loneliness I hear in the barks of the other dogs 'out there.'
I can sleep soundly, assured that when I wake my world will not have changed.
I will never know hunger, or the fear of not knowing if I'll eat.
I will not shiver in the cold, or grow weary from the heat.
I will feel the sun's heat, and the rain's coolness, and be allowed to smell
all that can reach my nose.
My fur will shine, and never be dirty or matted.
Here in this house...

There will be an effort to communicate with me on my level.
I will be talked to and, even if I don't understand, I can enjoy the warmth
of the words.
I will be given a name so that I may know who I am among many.
My name will be used in joy, and I will love the sound of it!
Here in this house...

I will never be a substitute for anything I am not.
I will never be used to improve peoples' images of themselves.
I will be loved because I am who I am, not someone's idea of who I should be.
I will never suffer for someone's anger, impatience, or stupidity.
I will be taught all the things I need to know to be loved by all.
If I do not learn my lessons well, they will look to my teacher for blame.
Here in this house...

I can trust arms that hold, hands that touch...
knowing that, no matter what they do, they do it for the good of me.
If I am ill, I will be doctored.
If scared, I will be calmed.
If sad, I will be cheered.
No matter what I look like, I will be considered beautiful and thought to be
of value.
I will never be cast out because I am too old, too ill, too unruly, or not
cute enough.
My life is a responsibility, and not an afterthought.
I will learn that humans can almost, sometimes, be as kind and as fair as dogs.

Here in this house...

I will belong.
I will be home.

(author unknown)


If a dog lives with...


If a dog lives with hostility he learns to fight.

If a dog lives with brutality he learns to be shy.

If a dog lives with anger he learns aggression.

If a dog lives with good leadership he learns security.

If a dog lives with encouragement he learns to try.

If a dog lives with boundaries he learns respect.

If a dog lives with praise he learns confidence.

If a dog lives with fairness he learns to trust.

If a dog lives with love he finds brotherhood.




My Dog Lives here


My dog and I live in this house. You are welcome to come and visit me anytime, but we have a few things that you must understand before you visit......


You must expect a few dog hairs to stick to your clothes. I vacuum and clean on a regular basis, but a Dog lives in this house too. You may be licked and given a paw a few times, but he does this because he loves people and wants to say "Hello". If you do not enjoy being lavished with "puppy love", then you may not feel comfortable here, because this is his home too.


My dog is well mannered and very clean. I bathe him, brush his teeth, and comb him regularly, but if you are one of those people who think ALL animals are dirty and smelly, then you and I will probably have difficulty feeling comfortable during your visit.


If you don't like the sound of barking, then my home is not likely to be a pleasant place for you. My dog protects me by letting me know I have a visitor. Whether it be a friend, or uninvited stranger. If you are a friend, my dog will consider you his friend too.....but if you are an unwelcome guest, my dog will protect me with his life, as I would his.


Do NOT expect me to lock my dog in another room during your visit. I have trained my dog well so he will not do anything to you, except maybe want a pat on the head. I will NOT subject him to feel as if he is BEING PUNISHED by locking him away for NO reason. That would just be CRUEL!  

When you walk in my home, be careful not to trip on a squeaky toy or a bone. These are my dog's little treasures, and I will not take them away from him, just to show you that I keep a clean house. He knows where all his toys are. They may not look like much to you, but to him, they are worth more than gold.


You see, this is OUR home. We have been together for a long time. I raised him into a well mannered, beautifully behaved dog. I am proud of him. I consider him my personal gift from God. He has done nothing but give me his endless love and devotion for many years. I love him dearly and want to make his years happy ones, as happy as he makes mine.


There are many that find it difficult to understand the love between a pet and his master, but let me assure you, such a bond exists, and it is a real and beautiful bond. When you go home to your family, he stays here with me. A fine and loving companion. He is part of MY family and I wouldn't change that for the world.


When I was sick, he stayed right by my side as I did his when he was not having a good day. He greets me with unbridled joy when I return from an outing. He never notices my bad moods....he's there for me even when I'm cross and cranky. A better friend I could not ask for. When no one else cared, my Dog did. He has given me nothing but pure joy, and unconditional love, and I love him endlessly.


So please understand, I am not being rude, I'm just looking out for my very best friend.

Author Unknown




And another version...............


My Dog Lives In This House

Unknown Author


My dog lives in this house. You are welcome to come and visit me anytime but we have a few things that you must understand before you visit. You must expect a few dog hairs to stick to your clothes. I vacuum and clean, but my dog lives here too.


You may be leaned on and find him in your lap a few times but he does this because he loves people and wants to say Hello. So if you feel that you are too good for his love then you are not welcomed here because this is his home too.


My dog is well mannered and very clean but if you are one of those people who think all animals are dirty and smell, then go away. You are not the type of person that I care to associate with. If you don't like the sound of barking, then my home is not going to be a comfortable place for you to visit.


Do not expect me to lock my dog in another room during your visit. I have trained my dog well so he will not do anything to you except maybe want a pat on the head. I will not subject him to feel as if he is being punished by locking him away for no reason. That would be cruel. When you walk into my home, be careful not trip on a stuffed toy or ball. These are my dog's treasures and I will not take them away from him just to show you that I keep a clean house. He knows where all his toys are. They may not look like much to you, but to him, they are worth more than gold.


You see, this is OUR home. We have been together since he was a small puppy scampering around the house. I raised him into a well mannered, beautifully behaved dog.


I am proud of him. I consider him my personal gift from GOD. He has done nothing but give me his endless love and devotion for many years. I love him dearly and want to make his years happy ones. As happy as he made mine.


When I was sick, he stayed right by my side, as I did his when he is not having a good day. A better friend I could not ask for.


When no one else cared, my dog did. He has given me nothing but pure joy and I love him endlessly. So please understand that I am not being rude. I'm just looking out for my best friend.




                                                        Your Dog
    The years go so very fast and before you know it, that romping pup is
    old and gray muzzled and they have sat by our sides while we read,
    watched TV, and worked on our computers. Every so often they come to lay
    their heads in our laps, toss our elbow with their muzzle, or gaze
    into our eyes and wait for us to notice them.
    Take a moment now to remember what they mean to you.
    I am your dog, and I have a little something I'd like to whisper in
    your ear. I know that you humans lead busy lives.
    Some have to work, some have children to raise. It always seems like
    you are running here and running there, often much too fast, often
    never noticing the truly grand things in life.
    Look down at me now, while you sit there at your computer. See the
    way my dark brown eyes look at yours? They are slightly cloudy now.
    That comes with age. The gray hairs are beginning to ring my soft
    You smile at me; I see love in your eyes. What do you see in mine? Do
    you see a spirit? A soul inside, who loves you as no other could in
    the world?
    A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrong doing for
    just a simple moment of your time? That is all I ask. To slow down,
    if even for a few minutes, to be with me.
    So many times you have been saddened by the words you read on that
    screen, of others of my kind passing. Sometimes we die young and oh
    so quickly, sometimes so suddenly it wrenches your heart out of your
    throat. Sometimes, we age so slowly before your eyes that you may not
    even seem to know until the very end, when we look at you with
    grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes. Still the love is always
    there, even when we must take that long sleep, to run free in a
    distant land. I may not be here tomorrow; I may not be here next week.
    Someday you will shed the water from your eyes that humans have when
    deep grief fills their souls and you will be angry at yourself that
    you did not have just "one more day" with me. Because I love you so,
    your sorrow touches my spirit and grieves me.
    We have NOW, together. So come, sit down here next to me on the
    floor and look deep into my eyes. What do you see? If you look hard
    and deep enough we will talk, you and I, heart to heart. Come to me
    not as "alpha" or as "trainer" or even "Mom and Dad"; come to me as a
    living soul and stroke my fur and let us look deep into one another's
    eyes and talk. I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a
    tennis ball, or I may tell you something profound about myself, or
    even life in general.
    You decided to have me in your life because you wanted a soul to
    share such things with; someone very different from you, and here I
    am. I am a dog, but I am alive. I feel emotion, I feel physical
    senses and I can revel in the differences of our spirits and souls.
    I do not think of you as a "Dog on Two Feet"-- I know what you are
    and who you are. You are human, in all your quirkiness and I love
    you still.
    No, come sit with me, on the floor. Enter my world, and let time slow
    down if only for 15 minutes. Look deep into my eyes and whisper into
    my ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy, and I will know your
    true self. We may not have tomorrow, but we do have today and life
    is oh so very short.
    So please--come sit with me now and let us share these precious
    moments we have together.


Until We Meet Again

I know what you're thinking.
You think I'm dead. Because you cannot see
me with your human eye, cannot feel me,
with your hands or hold me in your arms.
You think I am gone forever.
You recall how I looked when I left this place
and you cannot remotely imagine that I could
possibly be alive in another place.
You are racked and torn by the pain of our
separation and it blinds you to that
which is right in front of you ... me.
How many times since I left your immediate
sight have you been told that I'm dead
and you should "get over it"...
How many times have you cried yourself to sleep
because you feel like an outcast,
believing you're supposed to get over me because
that's what people say is normal...
but somehow you can't and no one seems to understand?
How many times have you put yourself through
such excruciating pain because you aren't
willing to consider that I am not, by any means, dead.
I want you to do me a favor and go back in time with me.
Remember the glorious day I came into your home-
was I not the most intriguing creature you'd ever met?
Did I not make you laugh and giggle?
Did I not look at you with such adoration that you
wanted nothing more than to spend the rest
of your life with me? I wanted this too.
Remember the days when I was in my prime and
we did many things together. You were so proud of me!
I was a good friend and I took care of you
when you cried, were angry or felt down and unhappy.
When you didn't have a lot of time for me
because of your obligations, I waited patiently for you.
I was always there when you needed me.
Did I not look at you with such acceptance and patience
that at times you felt perhaps a bit unworthy?
You were never unworthy in my eyes.
Remember when age crept up on me, my bones became
stiff and my movements slower.
Still I met you at the door when you came home
and followed you around the house.
We'd been together for so long,
I was your very best friend regardless of what you
were doing, saying, thinking. Did I not look at you
with such kindness and understanding that you felt
overwhelmed? I couldn't get enough of you.
Remember the last time we saw each other with
earthly eyes? You tried to be brave but I knew
you were crying ...
I know you so well. Better than anyone else
in the whole world.
Did I not look at you with such pure trust and love
that you yearned only to hold me close
and keep me with you always?
Did you not promise that you would love me forever?
I believed you. If this is so then why have you let me go
by thinking I no longer exist?
Remember the depth in my eyes all those times
I looked at you with adoration, acceptance,
patience, trust and love.
Who created this depth and love?
Would the Creator diminish the song of our laughter
which was created in the name of love?
I am no longer an earthly figure, this is true.
My body was only part of who I really am.
My body would have been but a mere shell on earth
if it were not filled to overflowing with my soul,
my spirit, my loving light.
When we met you thought I was cute, sweet, pretty
and adorable. But what kind of relationship would
we have had if this is all that I'd been?
How could you have loved me if I'd had no spiritual
substance? We are all made up of energy which
resides far deep down inside of us, it is our core,
our soul, spirit and loving light.
It is the energy that is all of life ...
it has no beginning,
it has no end. It simply is and always will be
and without it there is no life.
You can't see it with the naked eye
nor can you hold it in your hand,
it is simply a certain knowing that this energy does exist.
It's a knowing just as you know
that our love existed on earth -
you couldn't see our love in a solid sense,
you couldn't gather it all up and confine it to one place.
But you *knew* it existed.
There was no doubt in your mind.
They demand you get over me, insisting that I'm dead
and you'll never see me again
because animals don't go to Heaven.
Oh really? I'm here to tell you different.
You were worthy of my love and undying devotion
on earth as I was of yours.
Do you really believe this love would be
snatched from us *forever* by a loving Creator
simply because I wasn't human? Was I not a living,
breathing creation with personality?
How could I have been so if I didn't possess
the energy of soul, spirit and loving light?
And if this energy is and always will be,
then how can it be that I am dead?
If my core is not of the energy that is all of life
then I was never alive to begin with.
But you know better. You cry because you miss me,
this I understand. I miss you too -
I miss the belly rubs, hugs and kisses that we shared.
But life does go on beyond these wonderful,
fulfilling physical connections.
I came to this place to live a whole new life,
not because I didn't love you anymore
or because I wanted something better.
I came here because it was time for me to go
to the next phase of my existence,
something all living creatures must do eventually.
It is the normal progression of life.
I was not taken away from you because you cannot
take away that which was never owned.
My presence in your life was and is a gift
to be cherished and honored
just as I cherish and honor you.
Life is not simply about being born into a body,
living a certain number of years and then dying.
Energy cannot die. We are blessed with time in a body
so that we can learn, share and grow.
It prepares us for the next phase of our eternal life.
The body holds within it the true life force
of our existence...our soul, spirit and loving light.
Without these our bodies would be empty, blank,
void of feeling and expression.
Without our energy we would indeed be dead
and could never have experienced our love for each other.
You say that all you have left are memories.
Not so. You see, when I took leave of my earthly body
I left a little something behind for you.
You can't touch it, hold it or examine it.
For what I left behind
is far too uninhibited for confinement.
I left behind a piece of my soul.
I placed it right next to your own which is quite fitting
as we were always side by side in our earthly life together.
I love you too much to have left you with nothing but
memories which tend to fade and
grow cloudy as the years go by.
I love you too much to have vanished without a trace.
How selfish it would be of me to remove love
and light from your life.
I understand your tears, each one you shed is testament
to your love for me and I am honored and humbled.
But don't forget the good things we shared -
remember and smile. This is an honor for me as well.
And when you need me I will be here.
Close your eyes, relax, take slow, deep breaths
and picture me in your mind. Shut off the world and
your notions of what death is and give me a chance.
Look for the subtle signs I send you.
Don't stop being proud of me, I am a friend to be proud of,
I am still your friend and soul mate.
Don't memorialize the death of my body
but instead honor and celebrate my never-ending life
for it is eternal and forever as is my love for you.
Until we meet again...

Beautifully written by Terri Onorato


A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?"

"This is Heaven, sir," the man answered.

"Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.

"Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up."

The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

"Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

"Excuse me!" he called to the man. "Do you have any water?"

"Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in."

"How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog.

"There should be a bowl by the pump."

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

"What do you call this place?" the traveler asked.

"This is Heaven," he answered.

"Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "The man down the road said that was Heaven, too."

"Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell."

"Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?"

"No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind."



When you are in deep trouble, say nothing, and try to look inconspicuous.....





"Just A Dog"

  From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's
just a dog," or "that's a lot of money for just a
dog." They don't understand the distance traveled, the
time spent, or the costs involved for "just a
dog."   Some of my proudest moments have come about
with "just a dog."
  Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a
dog," but I did not once feel slighted. Some of my
saddest moments have been brought about by "just a
dog," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch
of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome
the day.
  If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will
probably understand phases like "just a friend," "just
a sunrise," or "just a promise." "Just a dog" brings
into my life the very essence of
friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. "Just a
dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make
me a better person. Because of "just a dog" I will
rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the

  So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but
an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the
future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure
joy of the moment. "Just a dog" brings out what's
good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself
and the worries of the day.
  I hope that someday they will understand that it's
not "just a dog" but the thing that gives me humanity
and keeps me from being "just a man." So the next time
you hear the phrase "just a dog." just smile, because
they "just don't understand."


Richard Biby




The 10 Commandments of Pet Ownership
author unknown

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any
separation from you will be painful for me. Remember
that before you get me.

2. Give me time to understand what you want from me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial to my

4. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me
up as punishment. You have your work, entertainment
and friends. I have only you.

5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand
your words, I understand your voice.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never
forget it.

7. Please don't hit me. I can't hit back, but I can
bite and scratch and I really don't want to do that.

8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,
obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something might be
bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right foods
or I've been out in the sun too long or my heart is
getting old and weak.

9. Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow

10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I
can't bear to watch," or "Let it happen in my
absence." Everything is easier for me if you are
there. Remember, I love you.



6 Things you should do for your dog each day


1.  Smile at his smile and improve your own mood

2. Make his tail wag and bring yourself instant joy

3. Admire & compliment him, as he worships you

4. Give him a rub behind his ears and appreciate his gratitude

5. Listen when he talks, as he talks volumes without words

6. Walk him around the block as sniffing and snooping are pure joy to him


"Our dog's lives are much shorter than ours- let's help them enjoy their
time with us as much as we can." -- Dog Scout Owner's Motto


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