This was Bruiser at 5 mo. old. Beautiful puppy, wasn't he?

This was taken at a friend's house. After seeing her house, he wanted one like it!

This is Bruiser with his friend Beauty aka Baby. She is the daughter of his deceased best friend Triton, who will have pictures up on this site soon. He will forever be a part of our lives, living in our hearts.

I remember when I bought this birdbath. I decided the birds had many other places to use when I saw the excitement this engendered! It became Bruise's own personal water bowl.

This is Bruiser with his favorite toy, a little stuffed lamb we called "Lambchop." I had Lambchop cremated with him. If you asked him where Lambchop was or where the pony was, etc., he would always bring you the right toy. He was so smart!

This is one of the last pictures of our guy. He got bone cancer and it made him old before his time. He was not quite 5 yrs. old when this picture was taken. May his beautiful, loving soul rest in peace.

Until we're together again, beloved boy....our love is always with you


This page © Copyright All rights reserved 1999, K. Campbell